“New Beginnings”

Hello Movement Academy, and welcome to 2024!

I’m thrilled to kick off the year with all the fantastic personal trainers who are ready to assist you in achieving your fitness goals for 2024.

I’m delighted to share some exciting news: Movement Academy is launching Level Method. Curious about what it is? Watch the video below!

One of the trainers will be guiding you through Level Method. If you’d like to learn more, feel free to drop by the gym. Rob, Chris, or Paul would love to chat with you about it. Our class times are as follows:

Level Method Schedule

We’re kicking off Level Method on the 8th of January, with our first Level Method sesssion starting at 9:00 am. Moving forward we’ll follow the schedule as listed above. As you progress through Level Method, you’ll attain new rankings and witness your fitness journey evolve!

The next blog post will cover the power of habits. The power of habit formation is in its ability to automate and streamline behaviors, creating efficient and lasting changes in the brain. This process leads to increased consistency, reduced cognitive effort, and the potential for long-term positive impacts on one’s life. To make a habit successful, it should be small and achievable. As 2023 comes to an end, take some time to set a realistic habit, like coming to the gym twice a week.

Let Movement Academy help you crush your 2024 goals!
